*--Eye-opening story about the racially-preferential enforcement of the honor code at BYU.
--Speaking of Mormons, here is the LDS church's head of public affairs' apologia for why he thinks Mormon doctrines and the traditional Christianity of the creeds are not at odds (which, to me, seems clearly to be nothing more than a perfunctory, surface-level bow to standard Christian terms, without any acknowledgement that Mormons radically redefine those terms to the point of being unrecognizable -- but maybe that's just me).
*--A fiery defense of evolution that claims that it is a mortal threat to Christianity altogether. Overblown?
*--You've heard of the Muslim Brotherhood, but what about their female counterparts, the Muslim Sisterhood?
--Speaking of Islamists, The Washington Post thinks that it is perhaps a good thing that they are participating in the post-Mubarak political processes in Egypt. The Economist agrees.
--An important introductory step in Islamic-Buddhist relations.
"surface-level bow"? or blow?