Thursday, September 1, 2011

Assorted links, vol. 45

*--What was Sarah Palin like behind the scenes?
--Who wants to read this book about fonts with me?
*--Wow, just wow.  The Pima County GOP is raffling off a Glock handgun as a fundraiser.  Yes, like the gun that was used to shoot Pima County congresswoman Gabby Giffords.  Wow.
--Two great ideas for social websites: SCVNGR (which I've used for awhile and enjoyed) and Hey, Neighbor! (which i just learned about, but seems really cool).  But both need more people to join them before they can really take off.  What do you think of them?
--The future of bananas appears to be somewhat uncertain.
*--Goodwin Liu was confirmed today as the California Supreme Court's newest justice.  Why does this matter?  Here are two reasons.
--And if only I weren't stuck in this postponed generation....

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