Friday, September 2, 2011

Assorted links, vol. 47

--Here's another reminder that Islamophobia isn't confined to the United States.
*--Fascinating article about the nature of time.
--Cute pictures of heart-shaped graphs, known as cardioids.
--The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has generously given $25,000 to the National Cathedral to help offset some of the repair costs.  Here are the two (similar) reports from ENS and NCR.
--Looking at al-Qaeda's legacy, 10 years after 9/11.
*--Speaking about Italy, of which he is prime minister, Berlusconi said to an alleged extortionist, "I'm leaving this shitty country of which I'm sickened."  But I guess that by now, people's expectations are pretty low, so maybe this isn't that surprising after all.
--Maricopa County paid out a $100,000 settlement to a judge for harassment by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former County Attorney Andrew Thomas.
*--And I found a Mormon apologetics website, which for all its articles, doesn't seem rebut, or even address (so far as I can see) this infamous letter....

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